DE Center for Health Innovation Cross Committee Meeting

DATE: Wednesday, June 28, 2017
TIME: 1:00 – 4:00 pm
LOCATION: The Outlook Center | 500 W. Loockerman Street | Dover, DE 19904


This event will also be streamed LIVE on the Delaware Dept. of Health & Social Services Facebook page


Introduction/Welcome: Matthew Swanson, Chairperson, DCHI
Opening Remarks: Dr. Kara Walker, Secretary, DHSS

PANEL 1: State Experiences with Payment Reform

Moderator: Tom Brown, Sr. VP, Nanticoke Health Services; President, Nanticoke Physician Network; Co-Chair, DCHI Payment Committee
Maryland: Dr. Joshua Sharfstein, Assoc. Dean for Public Health Practice and Training, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Vermont: Robin Lunge, Member, Vermont Green Mountain Care Board
Massachusetts: David Seltz, Exec. Director, Massachusetts Health Policy Commission


PANEL 2: Research/National Perspectives on Payment Reform

Moderator: TBD
Peter Hussey, PhD, Program Director, Health Services Delivery Systems, RAND Corporation
Robert Saunders, PhD, Research Director, Payment & Delivery Reform, Duke-Margolis Center for Health Policy


Closing Remarks: DCHI/DHSS/HCC

Hosted by the Delaware Center for Health Innovation (DCHI) in collaboration with the Delaware Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS) and the Delaware Health Care Commission (HCC).